Roadway and Street Engineering
Sorrelsoft engineers bring extensive experience to address surface transportation needs. We are well versed with all applicable softwares, tools and processes for roadway designs. We use Microstation Power Geopak to work in Projectwise environment, as well as AutoCAD environment. We strive to work in a collaborative setting with all stake holders of the projects to address the functional needs, and bring in optimal solutions. Our service offerings to improve surface transportation needs cover the areas of project management, engineering design, and construction oversight. We are fully setup to address all types of roadway and paving projects in both rural and urban settings.
- Roadway Design
- Street Rehabilitations
- Layout and Geometry Design for Paving Projects
- Grading and Cross Sections for Paving projects
- Pavement Design
- Drainage Design, Impact Assessment
- Utility Conflict Coordination
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Traffic Signal and Tower Design
- Pedestrian Crossings, ADA Compliance
- Signing and Striping Plans
- Preliminary Engineering Report Preparation
- Preparation of Construction Drawings and Record Drawings

Bridge Design
Sorrelsoft engineers are well versed with all applicable softwares, tools and processes for bridge designs. We use STAAD Pro for steel bridges, BridgeLink and PG Super for designing standard Post-Tensioned concrete bridge elements per TXDOT and AASHTO standards. We use Microstation OpenRoads to work in Projectwise environment, as well as AutoCAD standard environments. We strive to work in a collaborative setting with all stake holders of the projects to address the functional needs, and bring in optimal solutions.
- Bridge Layout design
- Bridge Hydraulic Assessments
- Foundation Structural Design
- Bridge Abutments, Approach Slabs, Wing Walls, Girders
- Slope protection, Retaining Walls, RipRap Design
- Sealed Joints
- Pavement Markings, Delineators
- Railings, Lighting